Don’t Miss Burger Beast’s Westchester Scavenger Hunt Sept. 10

August 10, 2023
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Westchester and Bird Road
Westchester and Bird Road

Are you a fan of the annual Redland Riot Road Rallye every year? Were you an avid Tropic/Herald Hunt participant? Then sign up today for Burger Beast’s Scavenger Hunt Sept. 10 in honor of his 15th Blogiversary. Participants will scour the Westchester neighborhood for clues leading to the grand prize.

An old Disney movie about a scavenger hunt inspired Sef Gonzalez, aka Burger Beast, to create and host this event.

“When I was a kid, we saw a movie called Midnight Madness, with Michael J. Fox, Stephen Furst [Flounder from Animal House], and Paul Reubens [the late actor who create Pee-wee Herman],” says Gonzalez. “I loved it. With our blog turning 15, I thought, ‘What haven’t we done yet?’”

Sef Gonzalez, aka Burger Beast
Sef Gonzalez, aka Burger Beast

Westchester is dear to Gonzalez’ heart (read his story on Bird Road Forever in our current issue here) and home to many eating establishments that have been around for decades. The hunt will spotlight Westchester hospitality and “maybe some snacks along the way,” he says. There’ll be a Cruz Diablo Burger Popup featuring El Hijo de la Gran Frita with Gayo Azul gouda cheese at Mojo Donuts from 11am-4pm.

You can sign up as a group of up to five. “You’ll have fun with friends and family,” Gonzalez says. “I like to integrate history into the clues.” He offers no hints, but does give hunters a tip: “A really good guidebook will be”

Starting at 12pm sharp on Sun., Sun. 10, the hunt is open to individuals and groups. The $20 entry fee covers up to five people in the group. Here's the signup link.

Burger Beast’s 15th Blogiversary celebration and events are brought to you by Gayo Azul, Orion Fuels, Johnny Cuba Beer, PINCHO, El Rey de las Fritas, Doink Design and edible South Florida.